Do you have a ‘Wellness Strategy’?


Do YOU have a ‘Wellness Strategy’ for 2017?

What is a ‘Wellness Strategy’? A wellness strategy is a plan of action to achieve personal wellness goals. For example; say your goal is to relax more, ask yourself “How could I accomplish that? What does ‘relax’ mean to me?”

A Wellness Strategy’s purpose is strictly to make accomplishing your goals attainable and less intimidating. To create a Wellness Strategy one must first decide what their wellness goal is. The next step would be to break that goal down into separate parts by asking yourself key questions.

  • “What does this goal mean for me or to me? Does this goal immediately affect my every day life or is it long term?”
  • “What could I do to accomplish this goal? What steps can I take to start?”
After asking yourself key questions such as these, one must then determine whether or not the goal is attainable and sustainable in their life. If your current lifestyle doesn’t allow the desired goal to be attained, how can you adjust your goal or your plan of action? How could you adjust your lifestyle to help make your goal attainable?
EXAMPLE: If your goal is to eat healthier
1st Ask yourself “What does that mean for me and my every day life?” Does this mean making more homemade meals with raw ingredients? Drinking shakes? Eating at home 3 nights a week?
2nd Ask yourself are these steps attainable and sustainable with your lifestyle. Does your work schedule allow time to shop for raw ingredients? Do you have time in the morning to prepare your day’s shakes? Are you home 3 nights a week to eat a meal?
3rd If your answer is no, your current lifestyle doesn’t allow for this to be attainable, then you must ask what you can adjust to make it attainable. Can you order your groceries online to be delivered to your home? Can you make your shakes the night before and store them in the fridge for the next day? Can you prep meals to freeze if you won’t have time to prepare them? If you can’t be home 3 nights a week, is there a vegan or all natural local restaurant you can eat at those nights?
No matter what your wellness goal is, your Wellness Strategy will help keep you on track to attaining and sustaining your goal.
Of course, SkinCatering® is here to support you with any of your wellness goals relating to treating yourself more kindly, reducing stress, and honoring what your body needs in order to maintain it’s healthy balance.
 Monthly spa memberships are available in three different options to fit your time & financial budget. We’d love to hear what your goals are and how can we help. Share your goals & strategies in the comments!

Interview with Kim Brunton

Kim is SkinCatering®’s resident expert when it comes to skin. A licensed Aesthetician since 2002, she was at one time an Aesthetics Educator for a world renowned skin care company. After traveling all of the North Eastern United States as a leader in the industry, she finally found her home with SkinCatering®.


Everyone draws inspiration from somewhere, I asked Kim what inspired her to choose the Aesthetician/Skin Care field.

“My inspiration to be an aesthetician came after the birth of my 2nd child.  My face was a mess with cystic acne and I had a series of 6 glycolic treatments which resulted in clean, clear skin without anymore cystic breakouts and, better yet, some education about how to keep my skin clear.”

What is her favorite part of what she does as an Aesthetician?

“My favorite part of  what I do is helping to boost a client’s confidence.”

For every career there is a highlight. For Kim, her highlight is really inspirational.

“The highlight of my career has generally been clearing teen skin. When my teen clients get to come off Proactive and use SkinCatering®’s natural, healthy products is truly what drives me in this business.”

Maybe you didn’t know but Kim hasn’t always been a part of the SkinCatering® Team. I asked her what made her decide to ‘hop on board’ so to speak.

“Hopping on board with SkinCatering® was really a easy decision. Being a formulator and creating my own recipes for an all natural skin care line is a dream come true!!! Aesthetics is my dream job and the fact that I can be part of a growing business has been more than I could ever imagine, or ask for.”

Not only did Kim ‘hop on board’ this amazing train that is SkinCatering®, she is a partner! I asked her how she would describe her role as partner at SkinCatering®.

“I am the Chief Formulator of our product line and I keep Leanne AKA “Shirley” in line. I “dream up” the product in my head or look for an answer to my client’s specific skin care needs. With ingredients and texture in mind, I then give the information to Leanne, and she makes it happen. We work cohesively as a one without leaving out the fun.”

Laverne & Shirley aka Kim & Leanne

With all the fun Leanne & Kim have together at SkinCatering®, I wanted to know what she enjoys the most.

“What I most enjoy about SkinCatering® is that it’s ours. Leanne and I have built a business that grows every day in many ways. We work hard to make our clients feel and look better, and we know that the clients truly appreciate us.”

And finally, every business grows and expands and so does every individual in his or her career. What are Kim’s hopes or aspirations for the future of SkinCatering®?

“Hopes and dreams ? I hope that we can spread our SkinCatering® word throughout Springfield, and Western Mass. I would really love to be the top spa in Western Mass.”

Stick this Where?!

Last week we introduced you to STORY TELLER™ Sports Gel. This week we present to you a new member of our Sports Line, BODY STICK for Body Sweat and Chafing.


Sweat builds in places you wouldn’t even think of. Especially if you’re a woman over 30, or a man of any age. This sweating is such a nuisance when you are hitting it hard at the gym, doing any physical activity or even sitting in that intense board meeting for an extended period of time. That is why we created the BODY STICK! SkinCatering’s new BODY STICK for areas that sweat and chaff is seriously so cool it doesn’t even need a name. We just call it like it is -BODY STICK – because you can use it ALL OVER your body.

First hand experience from the formulators

Our amazing Esthetician, Kim, uses the body stick as an all over deodorant.

“I have been using it every day. I used it in the 90 degree heat this past week on my vacation to South Carolina. I love that I can use it as an effective deodorant WITH OUT clogging my sweat glands like regular deodorants do!”

Dori, our Office Goddess, was starting to notice her husband complain of sweating and chafing while working at the lumber yard. She gave him the BODY STICK to help relieve the chafing and rash he experienced between his thighs from standing and walking in a hot warehouse all night. He was elated that the chafing lessened and the rash diminished after just one night using the BODY STICK. She herself uses the BODY STICK to help relieve under-boob sweat through out the day.

Thats right ladies! The BODY STICK can be used for that pesky under-boob sweat that we all hate!

These are just a few examples of the many areas you can use SkinCatering’s BODY STICK. It also comes in a convenient TRAVEL SIZE. Pop it in your purse or your backpack to have it with you whenever you need it.


Made with only all-natural ingredients, BODY STICK warms to your skin and glides on for a lasting, SOFT finish. Because the BODY STICK isn’t a regular deodorant, it may need a few seconds to warm to your skin before gliding on like butter. With only 7 pronounceable ingredients that will help save your skin from the torture that is sweating and chafing in those odd places!

You can find SkinCatering’s Body Stick and the rest of our Sports Line here.


You’ve already seen the big announcement naming STORY TELLER™ as the new ‘HERO’ due to trademark rights. (Need a refresher on what the amazing benefits of the former ‘HERO’ are? Click here)

Now we would like to introduce you to a NEW version- STORY TELLER™ GEL.


STORY TELLER™ GEL is a Sports Gel for Sore Bodies. It differs from STORY TELLER™ cream in that it is a fast drying concentrated gel, it is easy to transport, and it doesn’t melt! Perfect for those who love to hike or work outdoors! This gel comes in a full 8oz bottle or a travel 2oz bottle, perfect for tossing in your bag.


This concentrated sports gel uses an Aloe base that we make on site so there are NO PRESERVATIVES. When you use this gel you get all of the inflammation and soreness relieving benefits of STORY TELLER™ cream in a cooling, fast drying gel.

We all love STORY TELLER™ cream and massaging it into the skin for fast relief, so we are very excited for this easy to use gel that requires no massaging whatsoever!


Need a refresher on the amazing benefits of the former ‘HERO’? Don’t worry! Click here



On Tuesday, September 16th at SkinCatering Spa in Tower Square, We had our ‘Scotch on the Rocks‘ themed party  to launch our Men’s line of skincare. This party is the sequel to our “Cater To Your Entrepreneurial Spirit” party we held earlier this year to help raise funds to build our line of products. 
We honored the intention we set in February and it feels wonderful to show successful results just 7 months after the crowd-funding event!
  • Catering by Backstreet Bistro (opening soon in Market Square, downtown Springfield).
@2014 Beau Bernatchez

@2014 Beau Bernatchez

We are proud to use as many local businesses for our products as possible!

  • All of our products were formulated, manufactured, bottled, and labeled by SkinCatering.
Here is the link where all of our pictures can be found on our facebook page: